Wednesday, May 21, 2008

Day Care for older dementia patients: favorable effects on behavioral and psychological symptoms and caregiver stress

This is a clip of a research study.

The conclusions are important and indicate that day care can be effective in reducing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia patients. Also alleviates caregiver burden.

My own experience shows that social interaction does have a very positive effect on my mother and her behavior.

To assess the effects of Day Care (DC) on older subjects with dementia and their caregivers.

Thirty patients with dementia, consecutively admitted to a DC, were compared with 30 patients, matched for age and cognitive function, who received usual home care (HC).
After adjusting for potential confounders, NPI score significantly decreased in DC group, with a reduction of psychotropic drugs prescription, whereas it increased in HC. No significant between-group difference was observed for cognitive and functional change. CBI significantly decreased in DC, but not HC, caregivers, with no significant between-group difference in depressive symptoms change.
A 2-month period of DC assistance is effective in reducing behavioral and psychological symptoms of dementia patients and in alleviating caregivers' burden. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
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