Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Maria Shriver : A Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's (Video)

This is important to families that have been touched by Alzheimer's disease.
A Woman's Nation Takes on Alzheimer's is an in-depth look at women and Alzheimer's with Maria Shriver and Ann O'Leary (Senior Fellow at the Center for American Progress)....
Alzheimer’s is an epidemic. Every minute or so someone in this country will develop Alzheimer’s. Millions of people already have been formally diagnosed. Millions more are undiagnosed—or diagnosed with some form of dementia that could actually be Alzheimer’s. And with the 78 million baby boomers now moving into their later years, the cost of Alzheimer’s to American society is expected to be $20 trillion between now and the year 2050. That’s right—$20 trillion.

There’s no doubt about it. We are in the midst of a national emergency, and we’re woefully unprepared.
I am please to say that Maria Shriver described herself as an Alzheimer's Activist in the video below. Nothing is going to change if we sit back. We all need to become activists in the effort to increase research funding and care funding for Alzheimer's disease.
Watch the Video at the Alzheimer's Reading Room