Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Jan's Story: A Love Lost to Alzheimer's (Video)

By Bob DeMarco

Finally, when her anger and confusion were slipping out of our control, I moved her into an assisted-living facility, where on each painful visit I see the changes as she disappears a little more.

A friend calls it grieving, like saying goodbye by going to the same funeral over and over again.

"It's really challenging to grieve someone that's sitting right in front of you," said Kallmyer. "It's really challenging to grieve someone that you've just helped take a bath and get them dressed."

"Because it's such a long process and a long road that a family travels down together, it changes family dynamics," said Pring. "And it takes away all our preconceived notions about how families should look and how they should function."

"I know that he will always be in my life," Jan said.

This video is worth watching and worth sharing. You will need to be patient while watching to get the full impact of this story.

Jan's Story: Love lost to the long goodbye of Alzheimer's
Jan's Story: Love lost to the long goodbye of Alzheimer's

Original content Bob DeMarco, the Alzheimer's Reading Room