Sirtris, a Cambridge, Mass research company is developing resveratrol-based drugs that they believe zero-in on the longevity gene. These drugs are designed to slow down aging. Basically turning a 90 year old into a 60 year old. The also claim it could ward off diseases like Alzheimer's, diabetes, and cancer.
You might also know that reservatrol is found in red wine. The scientist say you would need to drink about 1000 bottles of wine to get what is contained in one Reseratrol pill.
Right now the only way you can get the Reservatrol pill is if you are a mouse. The Company however is moving from experiments with mice to experiments with humans. The good news is if it works it could be available within five years. Keep in mind, only about ten percent of drugs that work in mice work in humans. The good news is ten percent to do work. We can only hope.